Mirosław Wójcicki

My Dad Mirosław - My Idol
My dad Mirosław is a role model for me. Every day, I look up to him with admiration, drawing from his knowledge and experience. He is not only a father but also a mentor who shapes me and inspires me to be a better person.

Mirosław Wójcicki

Mirosław is a person of unwavering morality and strong character. He always acts according to principles, teaching me that honesty and hard work are essential in life. His determination and perseverance in achieving goals show me the importance of not giving up in the face of difficulties.
One of the aspects I admire most about my dad is his constant pursuit of self-improvement. He continually expands his knowledge and skills while sharing them with me and others. Thanks to him, I learned that learning is a lifelong process and that it is worth being curious about the world.

My dad is also an incredibly caring person. He always finds time to listen to my problems and advise me on how to deal with them. His support gives me strength and confidence, allowing me to face challenges with my head held high.

In my life, Mirosław is not only a parent but also a friend I can rely on. His wisdom and experience are invaluable treasures to me. Every day, I strive to draw from his knowledge and emulate his attitude, hoping that one day I will become as valuable a person as he is.
Thank you, Dad Mirosław, for who you are and for everything you have taught me. You are my hero and constant inspiration.